Decade of action 意味

The UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, under the normative framework of ICN2 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, marks a new ambition and direction in global nutrition action: to eradicate hunger, end malnutrition in all its forms (undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, overweight or obesity) and reduce the burden of diet-related noncommunicable diseases in all age groups. It is a cost-effective way for states to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs and biodiversity-related goals by 2030.

And this is most unfortunate as the crisis is highlighting the urgency to find solutions to all these issues.Despite all that, there is some good news. The United Nations has declared 2020 the Decade of Action, calling all member states to accelerate their progress toward the SDGs as most countries lag behind on many if not all the 17 goals. A series of interventions at strategic locations and scientific research will be carried out in response to Covid-19.Biodiversity resources planning must be integrated, inclusive and responsive to the needs of different groups, especially women and indigenous people.

This article was originally posted on In Thailand, the Biodiversity-based Economy Development Organization (BEDO), under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, has been promoting a new biodiversity conservation model which links economic and social benefits to the communities which help protect it. This campaign will also lead up to a new annual event on the SDGs to be held during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 75) in September 2020. published : If we act now, we can avert irreversible environmental damage and hold on to a planet that is fit for life, now and in the future. We must turn this crisis into an opportunity by harnessing our collective efforts and investment towards a better future after Covid-19.Biodiversity conservation must be prioritised by local governments and implemented by local communities with tangible benefits to them. Again, local people are the best protectors of pristine resources.Tourism post-Covid-19 must be greener and more sustainable, with benefits being shared among local communities, government and small businesses. The Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020, officially proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in March 2010, seeks to save millions of lives by building road safety management capacity; improving the safety of road infrastructure; further developing the safety of vehicles; enhancing the behaviour of road users; and improving post-crash response.

The year 2020 kicks off a reaffirmation of our global commitment towards achieving the 2030 agenda. 設定【要注意!英語?表現】「バックミラー 」は要注意の和製英語?表現和製英語に要注意! それはネイティブが使わない英語・ネイティブに通じない英語です。 今回の和製英語は「back mirror」。【英語】恋人の「I like you.」は十分な愛情表現、loveじゃなくても落ち込むな恋人関係にある二人は互いに「好きだよ」なんて風に囁き合うものです。相手への好意や愛情を表現する英語フレーズとしては「I love you.」の一言がまず思い浮かぶでしょう。【大予想】来年2017年の外国人観光客数は2,880万人?日本政府観光局(JNTO)によれば、2016年の訪日外国人観光客数は、2016年10月の時点で2,000万人を突破しました。外国人観光客数は2013年まで1,000万人にも満たない数でしたが、2013年に初めて1,000万人を突破し、わずか3年で倍増するまでに至りました。小学校教員の英語力の実態、想像以上に英語ができない?今は小学生でも英語教育が行われています。2008年度から開始され、2011年度には小学5年生以上は英語が必修に、2020年度からは教科としての英語の授業が開始と、段階的に小学校の英語授業導入が推進されています。入試科目に英語を取り入れている私立中学校も出てきました。 The Sustainable Development Goals are known as the world’s blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. This mission has never been more critical. 1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - decade とは【意味】10 年間,ロザリオ の一組... 【例文】for the last several decades... 「decade」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書

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